he Transformers are a species of sentient, living robotic beings (mostly) originating from the distant machine world of Cybertron. The stories of their lives, their histories, and most especially their wars have been chronicled across many different continuities in the vast multiverse.
The designation "Transformer" stems from the species' generally-shared ability to transform, to change their bodies at will, rearranging their component parts from a robotic primary mode (usually, but not always, humanoid) into an alternate form; generally vehicles, weapons, machinery, or animals. In some continuities this ability to transform is innate to all members of the species, in others it was a wartime innovation that was adopted by most, but not all, of the populace.
While this species is commonly known throughout the galaxy as "Transformers", the technical term for these beings is Cybertronians, which they generally use to refer to themselves.
Notable Transformers[]
Original Thirteen Primes[]
- Maccadam/Alchemist Prime
- Alpha Trion
- Amalgamous Prime
- Liege Maximo
- Megatronus
- Micronus Prime
- Nexus Prime
- Onyx Prime
- Prima
- Quintus Prime
- Solus Prime
- Vector Prime
- Autobots
- Decepticons
- Monsterbots
- Predacon Blackarachnia
- Cube Mascot
- Devastator Maximus
- Discharge
- Titan Dweller
- Iacon Wrecker Cube Team
- Polyhex Cube Team
- Skullcruncher
- Stadium Security Officer
- Nervous Bot
- Unnamed Gladiator
- Zeta Prime
Unknowns #1[]
Unknowns #2[]
Unknowns #3[]
Unknowns #4[]
- Combiners
- Autobot Bumbleswoop (50% Cybertronian/50% Unknown #4)
- Decepticon Slugtron (50% Cybertronian/50% Unknown #4)
- Autobot Volcanicus (20% Cybertronian/80% Unknown #4)
- Judge Starscream (25% Quintesson/25% Cybertronian/25% Velgrox/25% Gray)
Megatron X Timeline[]
Notable groups[]
- Autobot
- Decepticon
- Predacon
- Mercenary
- Dinobots
- Sharkticons
- Monsterbot
- Cityspeaker
- Seeker
- Insecticon
- Conehead
- High Council
- Titan
- Triple Changer
- Perfect Decepticons
- Combiner
Notable abilities[]
- Transformation in Vehicle Mode and Beast Mode
- Combination
- Scanning
- DNA Scanning
- Flight
- Weapons
- Hologram
- Telepathy
- Shield
Notable colonized planets[]
- Cybertron
- Caminus
- Velocitron
- Quintessa
- Aquatron
- Earth
- Animatron
- Unknown #1
- Unknown #2
- Unknown #3
- Unknown #4